Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Red Beach

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)?

Dr. Vodder’s MLD is universally recognized as the gold standard of Manual Lymphatic Drainage. It uses light touch, slow repetitive movements on dry skin. Subtle effects on the skin assist lymph flow and drainage in the tissues. It's main effects are to decongest in the tissue, relaxation response, pain reduction, and indirect support to the immune system.


Reduce swelling and fluid retention / Eliminate waste products from the body / Increase the healing process and recovery following surgery / Help Post COVID19 recovery ... there are so many! Please contact us.

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Remedial massage

Remedial Massage can assist you to recover from chronic pain, muscle dysfunction or injuries. Information is gathered to find the cause of pain or restricted movements, using posture analysis, and muscle testing.

Relaxation massage

By using long flowing strokes of traditional Swedish massage, your body begins to calm, helping you to feel lighter and refreshed. Relaxation massage will help you find clarity and ease general tension. This can be done for the face and head.

Sports massage

Sports massage has great benefits for active people as a maintenance tool, preventing injuries and speeding up muscle recovery. You can keep enjoying your sport. Regular massage is more important than fixing.

$70 for 30 min $100 for 60 min $135 for 90 min

We are a registered provider of Remedial Massage Therapy to Southern Cross. Please check your policy to see if you are eligible. If so, please bring your Southern Cross membership number with you.  

Red Beach massage studio

By appointment I am available to provide the massage & lymph therapy at my studio in Red Beach. You will receive my address in your confirmation. Book online or contact Mayumi on 021-0247-1777


Massage & LymphoedemaTherapist

Mayumi graduated from New Zealand College of Massage with double Diploma`s in Relaxation massage and Clinical massage in 2018. She completed all of Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage modalities in 2022, and started treating lymphatic issues such as Lymphoedema, Lipodema, Pre & post surgery care. She has exeprience in working with people from all walks of life.

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  • Red Beach, Whangaparaoa

If you have any question, please send me a message through this form, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.